2020 年 10 月 5 日

How to choose Chinese KOL and KOC?

🔘If the brand tends to be the brand planting grass✅
then large-scale launch of KOC will have a real and powerful influence,
to improve the reputation of brand products and users’ recognition and favorability of brand products.
According to KOC’s real experience, consumers are often easier to finish planting the grass

🔘If the brand is more inclined to plant grass + increase conversion rate✅
then KOL is a better choice.
Since the influence of a KOL may be equivalent to the influence of ten or even a hundred KOCs
, when choosing KOLs, the number often required will be less.
More and more brands choose to play “KOL+KOC” in marketing. Combination,
let KOL and KOC cooperate with each other to create a marketing explosion

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